Saturday, January 5, 2008

outside reading

When the Walls family decides to move to West Virginia, Jeanette and her brother and sisters are forced to adjust to a whole new lifestyle. They had never experienced snow before and had to deal with that among other things like meeting new friends and trying to fit in at school. When the foundation outside their house for the new glass castle turns into a garbage dump, kids and neighbors from all over started calling them the dirty family and it made life at school pretty difficult. Jeanette eventually was able to fight back against some of the problems when she started working for the newspaper at school. She was the editor who also wrote most of the articles and took pictures during school events like prom and sports games. Because of that, kids at school wanted any chance they could get to be in the paper were and treating her nicer. After a while though, Jeanette and her sister, Lori, decided that life in West Virginia wasnt exactly all they had wanted it to be. They started saving up money and eventually, one year after Lori graduated from high school, moved to New York to start a new life without parents to hold them back. Once Jeanette recieved all the letters about how great Lori was doing, she finished out her last days and moved up as well. A year or so later, they had pulled Brian away too. When the last of the Walls children, Maureen, moved in with Lori in New York, their parents had had enough of life without their children and ended up moving north too. The kids had finally gotten away from what had been holding them back until it came back with even more problems than before.

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