Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Glass Castle 3

Reading The Glass Castle this week, I started thinking more about what it means to live in poverty. The Walls family almost takes it as a learning experience and choose to live that way rather than having to do it. They teach their kids the importance of life and survival skills and it doesnt seem as though they really need a home or civilization to live. When they need food, they kill for it just like animals in the wild would. When they need water they drink out of streams and riviers. Their lifestyle is the exact same as just another animal in the wild who doesnt have a home either. But unlike other people and families tha are homeless, the Walls dont seem to care as much. They find their way around all obstacles and challenges and tell their kids the truth no matter what. Their family as a whole is stronger because of it and is able to face anything that comes in their way.

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