Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas is coming!

In December many people all around the world celebrate some of the most important holidays for their religion. For the Walls, they know that Christmas is a time of present giving and celebrating too. It is different for them though because they dont always have enough money to get their kids the things they want. Jeanne, Lori, and Brian had been to school long enough to know about Santa and presents so theire parents had to explain the situation to them. The Walls know it is silly to believe in Santa and flying reindeer. They also understand that life in the desert means that their is not enough money for the family to pay for food, let alone luxury presents. For Christmas, their dad decided he needed to do something special so he took each of his daughters and son out into the desert at night and asked them each which star looked the best to them. Lori and Brian both got a star for Christmas and Jeanne decided that the planet Venus was the best, so her present was the brightest star of them all. I sit and think sometimes if I would have accpeted a star as a Christmas present when I was younger. The answer is probably not because I had already been accustomed to the spoiled lifestyle of barbies and puppy dogs. The Walls can see more importance in the little things that everyone else takes for granted.

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