Friday, November 2, 2007

All My Sons

Im my opinion the play, All My Sons, was very interesting and adressed many issues that I found enjoyable to read about. First When Chris and Ann are deciding to get married, there is conflict with Chris' mom, Kate. She believes that her other son Larry is still alive and that they should not give up on him. Throughout the play, Kate thinks that there is still hope until the end when Ann finally reveals his suicide note and the family is completely shocked. After all that the family has been through the one key element that seems to remain is hope. There is hope of Larry coming back, hope of getting married, and hope of being a family again. In the play, All My Sons, the Keller family pulls through life always thinking things will get better and never giving up on hope.
Also there are other elements that make the story so exciting. The stuggles the family faces and the personalitly of the characters shows how much time the author took in writing the play. First the stuggle with Joe and the plane crashes reveals a side of him that had before never existed. He actually led to the deaths of twenty one people just for the protection of the family. When he admitts to it in the end, his son, Chris, thinks that he took it to far and can not find a way to forgive his father. Athough he claims that he did it for his son, Joe also considers the fact that all of the people who died in the crashes could be considered his sons. It brings a new meaning to the title, All My Sons, because before he was referring to Larry and Chris and now it has changed to 23 people and all are important to him. We also learn how Chris' character is unable to forgive his father for what he has done and shows a side of hostility towards Joe. He calls his father and animal but not even that because an animal doesnt kill its own kind. Chris brings out a side of him that is not there when talking to Ann.
The last element of All My Sons that really adds to the overall effect is the setting of the play. The author does a great job in the beginning of describing how the house looks and refers to the beginning throughout the play. One example of a prop that truely meant something was the tree dedicated to Larry and how it broke during a storm. It is in a way almost foreshadowing to the suicide note at the end and we know for sure that there is no question about him being dead. The tree was all Kate had and once it was gone, so was Larry. In the end, the play, All My Sons, was interesting and enjoyable to read because of its theme, characters, and stylistic setting that brought the story together as a whole.

1 comment:

Jmac said...

I do not agree with you and Jordan. Annie and Chris are secret lovers.