Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend Birthday

This weekend on saturday was my birthday and although I spent much of it hanging out with friends and eating birthday cake, I also had time to sit down and read a little bit. On busy weekends It is sometimes fun to take a break from it all to just sit and read. This weekend I focused on reading my new outside reading book, The Glass Castle, about the girl whos life was so bad from the beginning that she didnt know it. Later saturday night, when my friends came to wish me a happy birthday, sit by the fire, and give presents, I realized how lucky I am to have the friends and parents that care so much about me. Jeanette's parents dont care for her the same way that mine do. She has to cook her own hot dogs where my mom went and baked a full cake just for my birthday. She has to take care of herself at three years old where I, now a sixteen year old, still have parents to help out and care for everything that happens to me. This weekend I also got very sick and completely lost my voice from a cold that has been spreading around school. My parents have been so helpful taking me to the doctors and making soup for me to get better. In the story, Jeannette's parents take her away from the hospital that is keeping her safe and take off her bandages that are keeping infetion away. As soon as they bring her home, still burned from the fire, she is right back to cooking hot dogs and playing with fire again. I feel so lucky to have parents and friends that care enough about me on my birthday and the days that I am sick to not make me fend for myself.

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