Sunday, March 16, 2008

All the Pretty Horses 2

John Grady Cole seems to be the hero or leader of the story. He and Rawlins set out for Mexico together and accomplish many feats but throughout the book, John Grady has been more of the role model. He broke 16 horses in 3 or 4 days with a little help from Rawlins and got a promotion from the ranch owner, Don Hector, because of it. When he and the hacendado were talking, John Grady is recognized as the leader for the first time. When asked for sure, though, John refuses the title and says he and Rawlins are partners and they travel and work together. He is loyal to his partner and will stand up for him in and circumstance. John Grady is the stereo-typical cowboy with his loyalty, skill, and also ability to sneak around with women while living under strict conditions. Alejandra, the hacendado's daughter, is the most perfect girl John has ever seen who is rich and pretty and above all, a little rebellious against her father's will. She and John Grady sneak around together although Alejandra knows it isn't right. When he is approached about the relationship from Alejandra's aunt, John Grady realizes the extent of their wrong-doing. The aunt says it could ruin the reputation of Alejandra, and it is not likely she will ever get it back because she is a woman. In the book, issues of loyalty, leadership, and sexism are starting to make things difficult for John Grady and everyone associated with him.

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