Thursday, March 20, 2008

All the Pretty Horses 3

We finished up All the Pretty Horses this week in class. I thought the ending was really good. John Grady goes back to Texas after meeting with Alejandra who denies his marriage request and realizes that there is nothing there for him. His best friend Rawlins tells him to go into a different field of work and to start new. The ranch isn't what it used to be and his father is gone now too. The last thing that showed how lonely was was when Luisa's mother died. She was a worker for the Cole family for as long as he could remember and the last thing he had in Texas. Now that she is gone, there is no reason for him to stay. I would have liked McCarthy to explain a little bit about where he goes and what he does for the rest of his life, now that he is abandoned but just figured out that he wrote another book as a sequel which I am thinking about reading now. Overall the book was good. I liked how he used very different stylistic elements like lack of quotations and punctuation. It made the story more challenging to read but also made it flow a little better. It was written as if someone were speaking it. I picture it as if the classic western story is told by an old cowboy who was there himself to witness a great journey.

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