Sunday, February 24, 2008


This weekend was especially fun for me. I haven't been out of the house hanging out with friends or going to soccer practices for the past couple of weeks because I have been out sick with the flu. I was really bummed cause my brother also had to rub it in my face by telling me he and a couple of his friends were going to Fargo this weekend for a tennis tournament and I would be stuck home once again. To top it all off, he told me they didnt have to go to school friday and so I got pretty mad and jealous when I heard that. Thankfully for me I had one thing to look forward to, a party saturday night with all the friends I hadn't seen in a while. As the weekend got nearer things started to be getting better. I found out that it was finally getting warmer in Edina and it would be a good weekend to go outside. It also helped to know that my brother was going farther north to the cold and his trip wasn't going to be nearly as good as he had said. Saturday night came around and I had a really fun time dancing and just hanging out. When I got home, I also heard the news that my brother's trip was going a lot worse than planned. He lost his first game and didnt know how the rest of the tournament was going to go. After the whole thing happened I guess I should have felt bad for him and everything but the previous jealousy and anger he caused me made me feel like revenge was needed. He is still not home yet but I cant wait to tell him about how much fun I had this weekend and hear about how badly his went.

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